NYC: Fifth day


Buenas noches amores! Ya estamos casi acabando la semana y hoy os traigo una nueva entrega de mi viaje a Nueva York. El quinto dĆ­a en Nueva York, decidimos ir a una misa gospel en el Harlem, ya que era domingo. Intentamos ir a la Abyssinian Baptist Church, pero cuando llegamos habĆ­a una cola inmesa y tuvimos que ir a St Paul Baptist Church, que nos acogieron muy amablemente.

Hi loves! We are basically at the end of the week and today I bring a new post about my travel to New York. The fifth day in this city, we decided to go to a gospel mass in the Harlem, because it was Sunday. We tried to go at Abyssinian Baptist Church, but when we arrived there was a big queue  and we had to go at St Paul Baptist Church, that they received us kindly.

La misa gospel es una experiencia increĆ­ble, mĆ”s que una misa parece una fiesta con la gente cantando y dĆ”ndote la bienvenida. En un principio, a mi pareja no le hacĆ­a mucha gracia ir y al final fue una de las cosas que mĆ”s le gustĆ³. Si tenĆ©is la posibilidad de ir, no dudĆ©is en hacerlo.

The Gospel Mass is an incredible experience, because more than a Mass seems a party, because all the people is singing and giving you a big welcome to their church. My boyfriend didn't want to go at the beginning, and when we went out of the mass, he told me that it was one of the things that more had liked of New York. Then, if you have the possibility to go, you don't doubt in do it.

Os dejo un vƭdeo de una misa gospel de la iglesia a la que fuimos que he encontrado en Youtube para que lo veƔis:

I put a video about a Gospel Mass of the St Paul Baptist Church that I found in Youtube:

DespuĆ©s, fuimos de compras a la tienda B&H que es una tienda especializada en electrĆ³nica, para ver cĆ”maras reflex, aunque al final no compramos ninguna. Fuimos a comer y luego a los grandes almacenes Macy's. Es uno de los mayores centros comerciales de la ciudad, donde puedes encontrar casi todas las marcas: Vuitton, DKNY, Guess, Mikael Kors, Gucci, etc.

After the Mass, we went shopping to B&H that is a shop specialized in electronics, to see reflex cameras, but we didn't buy anything. We went to eat something and then, to Macy's that is the biggest mall of the city where you can find all the brands: Vuitton, DKNY, Guess, Michael Kors, Gucci, etc.

Luego aprovechamos para entrar en la Biblioteca Central y fuimos a comprar los souvenirs. DespuƩs, fuimos a dar un paseo por el Upper Side. Es una zona tal y como me la imaginaba, gracias a la serie de Gossip Girl. Me quedƩ muy impactada con el MET, ya que es enorme.

Then, we went to Central Library, because we hadn't entered yet. Immediately, we went to buy some souvenirs for the family and friends and to see Upper Side District. This district is exactly how I imagined, thanks to the Gossip Girl serie. I felt impress with the MET, because it is enormous.

Para cenar, fuimos a PJ Clarks que es la hamburgueserƭa mƔs antigua de la ciudad, ya que lleva abierta desde 1884. Tengo que decir, que no me acabaron de gustar sus hamburguesas, ya que las notƩ un poco insƭpidas. Para mi, las mejores hamburguesas de NY son las de Shake Shack.

To dinner, we went to PJ Clarks that is the elder hamburger shop of the city, because it started in 1884. I have to tell you that I didn't like so much its hamburgers, because it didn't have flavour. In my opinion, the best hamburgers of NY are made in Shake Shack.

Espero que os haya gustado el post de hoy. Feliz fin de semana.

I hope you like the post of the day. Have a nice weekend.

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